MeriJane's baby

March 24, 2004:

I had a baby boy on March 19th, 2004. He was born with webbed toes. I have looked everywhere on the net for info about this. You know, like whether it will affect him in the future and have been unable to find anything really helpful. Your site has helped, though. It's good to see that you have never had any problems. I don't know if doctors usually correct this condition or leave it, but I think his little toes are cute and don't want them corrected if it won't cause problems. I have sent a picture. It's a little blurry because my dig. camera is an el cheapo. You can put it on your site if you like.

Thanks again,

baby feet

World Wide Webbed Toes    ===    Syndactyly Home Page

Created March 24, 2004. Slight change Sept. 8, 2004. Modified October 9, 2006. Modified Feb. 10, 2007.