Stephanie's toes

Left Foot Right Foot

Hello. My name is Stephanie. I am a 20 year old female, and I have webbed toes too. These pictures show my feet.

I have always been proud of my webbed toes, and I am glad to see that other people are, too. My parents never wanted to separate my toes, since I had way too many other medical problems (such as heart and kidney trouble) for them to concentrate on. I am told that my dad's brother also has webbed toes, although I don't make it a habit of looking at his feet. :)

I show all of my friends my toes, and I get comments that range from "Oh cool!" to "Eww what the hell??" but nobody has ever really made fun of me for them.

I always get the question "Well can you swim really well?" (no!)

My toes are not AS webbed as Bill Luken's (if that makes any sense...) but you can definitely tell by looking at them that they are. 3 of my toes are webbed on my left foot (excluding my pinky and big toe) and my 2 first toes are webbed on my right foot.

I can't move my webbed toes independently, if I try to move one, they all move.

I am wondering if "uneven webbed toes" like mine are common? Is 3 on one foot and 2 on the other common, or do most people have matching feet? I admit I feel a little silly rambling on to a stranger about my toes, but hey I think it's cool that I found someone that shares my very cool trait! :)

My fiance says that a long time ago, he heard that humans were going to evolve to only have 3 toes...a big toe, a pinky toe, and a big pad in between. I can see this happening, since we don't really use all of our toes independently. I am in the process of researching this.

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Created May 29, 2003. Modified October 9, 2006. Modified Feb. 10, 2007.