Alyssa Jolitz

My name is Alyssa Jolitz. I was 13 years old as of December 19th [2004] and I have syndactyly. I seem to be a popular artist where I post my artwork. Well, not really... but some people say :P

I got my syndactyly from my grandfather when I was born. My older sister did not have it for some strange reason (I only have an older sibling). I don't feel different from everyone else, but I am used to my toes so much other people's toes look so weird to me. (I have webbed feet only on the two toes nearest to my big toe)

People always wanted to see my feet. Some replied with 'awesome!' and some with 'freaky'. Some even asked if I could swim better! Crazy people! Well, I do not. I swim normally, and having webbed toes doesn't make me a different person at all! One time my friend tried to cut them apart (and pull) when I wasn't noticing. Ouch.

It is strange for me since I cannot wear toe-socks. If I try to put them on, it hurts. People sometimes laugh at me for this, and I laugh at myself. Some of my friends are so weird and call my feet 'so cute!' and they actually pet the webbed part of my toes. How odd is that?!?!

Anyway, as I said before, Syndactyly doesn't make me any less of a person, it's just a unique feature that may help me for identification in the future (maybe). I'm still just a fun-loving artist teenager. Heh...

World Wide Webbed Toes    ===    Syndactyly Home Page

Created May 7, 2005. Revised Sept. 17, 2006. Modified October 9, 2006. Modified Feb. 10, 2007.