Georgina’s Story

My name is Georgina, I am 36 yrs old and live in the UK. I have 50% webbed second and third toes and my mother has 80% webbed second and third toes. I never even knew or thought about surgery as it is the one part of my body I seem to accept, I am far more concerned about shedding a couple of pounds.....

People never notice it unless we point it out and we both happily wear sandals, flip flops and nail polish. I actually quite like my webbed toes!! My only negative moment was being limited which toe I could wear a toe ring on! It means so little to me that I never even wondered if anyone else had the same characteristic and only stumbled across your site by accident.

As a reflexologist, I read many books on feet and reading the feet. In Chris Stormer's "Language of the Feet - What Feet can tell you" a webbed second and third toe is interpreted as a sign of genius!

Need I say more....................

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Created September 15, 2005; Modified October 9, 2006. Modified Feb. 10, 2007.