Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, Massachusetts

<! Take care of dumb browsers that do not recognize object/embed tags > <table> <tr> <td align=right><img src="pixlogo.gif" width=32 height=32 alt="PanoramIX logo"> <td align=center>A panoramic view of the MIT campus goes here. <td align=left><img src="../pixlogo.gif" width=32 height=32 alt="PanoramIX logo"> <tr> <td><a href=""> <img src="../download.gif" alt="Get Netscape Navigator"></a> <td>To see the panoramic scene, you must be using Windows 95, Windows NT/x86, or a PowerPC Macintosh computer. In addition, you must also have either <a href="">Internet Explorer</a> version 3 or 4, or <a href="">Netscape Navigator</a> version 4. <td><a href=""> <img src="../getmsie.gif" alt="Get Internet Explorer"></a> </table>

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This map enables you to look around two sites on the M.I.T. campus on the Charles River in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Initially, you should see a view of Building 10 from a point in the Great Court. The location of this point is indicated by the red circle between Building 1 and Building 2.

Clicking in the central area of the left half of the map will take you to a point in the West Campus. The location of this point is indicated by the blue circle in the upper left section of the map.

From this point, you can see the Stratton Building (student center), the M.I.T. Chapel, Ashdown House, McCormick Hall, and Kresge Auditorium.

This example was created by a former Burton House resident, so you can forget about the East Campus.

Panoramic scenery

These scenes were captured using an ordinary 35mm SLR camera with a 28mm wide-angle lens, an inexpensive tripod, and the IBM HotMedia panhead. Each scene is based on a set of eight 4x6 photographs scanned at 200 dpi and stitched together using the IBM PanoramIX authoring tool downloadable for free from

For more information about IBM PanoramIX (HotMedia Panorama) see

Updated October 29, 1998 (John Glenn returns to space!); March 27, 2001; August 8, 2002.